Saturday, March 31, 2012

about Trayvon Martin

     “There’s disconnect in America,” lamented Fat Guy. “Disconnection.”
     “Right,” said Jack Bronstein. “Like, when you don’t pay your phone bill. Right?”
     Fatty answered, “No. I mean, the way some Americans rot, while the big shots sit there and pamper themselves. There’s no compassion!”
     Jack nodded, “I see what you mean. Are you familiar with the name George Zimmerman, Fatty?”
     Fatty raised an eyebrow.
     Jack said, “Zimmerman wanted to be a policeman. It seems that he shot and killed a man named Trayvon Martin back in February of this year.”
     “Why?” asked Fatty.
     Jack answered, “Zimmerman claims he was defending himself. But eyewitness accounts say otherwise.”
     “See?” sighed Fatty. “No compassion.”
     Jack agreed, “If you have no compassion for people, of course you’ll attack a stranger.”
     Fatty shook his head woefully.
     Jack concluded, “It’s happening everywhere. In a land without compassion, people smile upon murder.”

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