Thursday, October 27, 2011

different country?

I order a six-inch seafood and crab from the Subway sandwich house.
Located on Kane Street in McHenry, Illinois.
Shrimp, cheese, seasonings, bread.
Things are going swimmingly until 'Point of Sale.'
I present the coupon, which says the sandwich is only $2.99.
Guy reads coupon.
Guy holds coupon for almost a minute.
I say, "Is that the wrong coupon?" or something like that.
Guy says that, today being October 27, 2011, or 10/27/11, and the coupon expiring November 15, 2011, or 11/15/11, the coupon is no longer good.
I assume he has a problem, so I say, "OK, how much?"
Cash register says $4.00.
Guy tells me it's $4.40.
I may not go back to that particular Subway sandwich house.

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